Hiked all the way up to the end of the property. WOW! Have a mini rock formation half way up. I can see a hobbit house. OH YEAH!! Already have some ten foot high metal rounds from the old house. Will have to bulldoze a road up to it though. Hmm. Good thing I just helped a guy pull his truck out of a ditch this morning. He’s a dozer man…Oh, that ditch. This road that comes out to the ranch is a real doozy. First of all, it has a 15 mph switchback in it that actually means 15mph. A big gulch is right next to the corner you sweep around. Another thing about this road? It has NO SPEED LIMIT! Yep. You can go just as fast as you want, Knuckhead. And boy, do the locals lead foot it. I pulled over four times on the way to the dump for folks just slamming the curves, then on my ass. This pack ran my dozer pal off the pavement and just over into that gulch I told you about. His right drive wheel was just spinning in air. Used a big crane strap to pull him back onto the pavement. I asked him if people always drove like nut cases. He said, “No, only the crazies at the end of Umtali road!”…That’s the dirt road I live on. We have ways to slow folks down. I like this place better and better every day. Tonight, we build the fake kid on a bicycle that rolls out of nowhere from the dark…

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